COVID-19: Operations Resources
With Shelter-in-Place orders and social distancing, clinics have had to make major adjustments in their everyday procedures and policies. The links below will direct you to resources to use in your clinic for these new policies and procedures, along with materials to use to reach out to your clients.
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- WVMA Suggested Guidance for the Use of Telehealth Technologies in Veterinary Medicine (Begins on Page 164)
- MN Board of Veterinary Medicine Guidelines
- AVMA Telehealth/Telemedicine Resources
- Telehealth Overview & Resources (Must be logged in to Google account to view)
- Update: FDA Helps Facilitate Veterinary Telemedicine During Pandemic
- Telemedicine Service Providers
- PetPro Connect (Service Offered by Boehringer Ingelheim free for US Veterinary Clinics)
- PetPro Connect does not integrate with AviMark 2009 or earlier, IDEXX HIPO, IDEXX NEO, and IntraVet 3.5 or earlier. EzyVet does not currently integrate, but that is expected to change soon.
- Virtuwoof
- Minnesota based company offering special VHA membership pricing.
- PetPro Connect (Service Offered by Boehringer Ingelheim free for US Veterinary Clinics)
Client Materials
Client Materials
Implementing Carside Services
The team at Gehrman Animal Hospital was gracious in allowing us to share their Carside Policy with other veterinary clinics. Please download the policy here. You can also download a Carside Appointment flyer for your doors and windows, and we left space for you to write your office phone number on the flyer. We have also created a complimentary graphic you can utilize in your emails and across social media to announce your carside service. Please click the image to the left, then right-click and select "Save As".
We Are Open Materials
We Are Open Materials
During stay-at-home executive orders, clients may have questions of whether or not veterinary care is considered essential services. Download "We Are Open" flyers and graphics you can utilize for your practice. There are versions with and without calls-to-actions about a clinic's online pharmacy.
- Minnesota "We Are Open"
- Wisconsin "We Are Open"
- Will My Pets Give Me Coronavirus (graphic)
- CDC: COVID & Animals
- MN Department of Health: Companion Animals & COVID-19
- Information for Public Health Professionals Managing People with COVID-19 with Pets
- SARS-CoV-2 in Animals, Including Pets
- IDEXX Resources
Carside/Curbside Service Best Practices
Carside/Curbside Service Best Practices
These recommendations have been compiled from veterinary staff members who are a part of the COVID-19: Veterinary Professionals Discussion group on Facebook.
- Keep things as close to 'normal' with appointments and the flow of the clinic.
- Be very transparent on how things will go when scheduling the appointment - explain more phone calls, video conferencing, longer appointment time, etc. Ensure their phone number is correct and that they will be available to take calls during their pet's appointment.
- Have clients prepay for medications, diets, and appointments. Clients should call on their way or upping arrival when coming for their orders, then set the order outside on a table for easier, less contact pick-up.
- Veterinary assistants go out and get animals from the clients and act as a stand-in for owners to stay with the animal during the appointment.
- Veterinary technicians take histories over the phone and get medications, etc.
- Call morning appointments the evening before to get histories.
- Have clients bring the pet to the door, rather than the staff picking up from the car. Minimizes staff time and the risk of the animals getting loose. Especially helpful if you have a vestibule.
- Lengthened appointment times where needed and added "Do Not Book" blocks in the schedule after every 3-4 appointments.
- Request clients to stay in the parking lot during the appointment and be ready to answer their phones. Have a sign on the door explaining this as well.
- Direct as many clients as possible to the clinic's online store for meds, diets, etc.
- Put photos of your staff up on the front door so clients feel more connected.
- Check in the client/patient while they wait in the car.
- Digital curbside appointment forms on the clinic's website.
- List of Products with Emerging Viral Pathogens AND Human Coronavirus Claims PDF (Page 11-21)
- Prioritizing Disinfectants
- Preserving Disinfectants
- COVID-19 Cleaning Resources (VHA Member Shop Site Login Required)
- Dalco/Janitorial Supplies (VHA Member Shop Site Login Required)
- Handwashing Tips and Flyer
- UPS We Are Open Poster
- Surgical Masks Conservation
- Reusable/Washable Face Mask Sewing Instructions
- Minnesota PPE Inventory Requirements (Executive Order 20-16)
- Free Online CE From VetFolio
- Clinician's Brief Owner Contact Guide
- American Heartworm Society Recommendations for Heartworm Testing, Prevention, and Treatment During the COVID-19 Crisis
- Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of Disposable Medical Gloves
- Guidance: Requiring Facilities to Prioritize Surgeries and Procedures and Provide Safe Environment during COVID-19 Peacetime Emergency