• Resources

Pet Dental Health Resources

Pet Dental Health Resources

VHA Resource Tile ImageWhile February may be Pet Dental Health Month, discussions about pet dental health should happen year-round! VHA has created two client handouts and four social media graphics you can use to educate pet owners about dental disease in pets and how to prevent it. Information includes signs and symptoms of dental disease, tips for brushing, and the process of a dental cleaning in a veterinary clinic.

Submit this form to download pet dental health resources, including client handouts and social graphics, compliments Veterinary Hospitals Association. The zip folder filled with resources will be emailed to you with the email you provide. Should you not receive the email within 24 hours, please email Stephanie Onken at [email protected].

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Laura Bush

Marketing Specialist
Veterinary Hospitals Association

Laura Bush is a Marketing Assistant for Veterinary Hospitals Association. She supports veterinary clinics across the United States with their social media, digital marketing, and content creation needs.