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Tips & Tricks for Veterinary Blogs
If your veterinary clinic blogs, or is thinking about blogs, tune in to this Facebook Live featuring Laura Bush and Stephanie Onken from VHA! We are going to share tips and tricks for blogging to help you become the content creating queen or king at your clinic!
Help Clients Follow Through with Recommended Therapies Using ScriptShare
Vetsource's Avery Hurst highlights how to send pre-approved scripts to clients over email using Vetsource’s proactive prescribing tool, ScriptShare. In this session, Avery provides a demo for viewers to see how ScriptShare works and how to personalize ScriptShares by recommending multiple products and adding notes to clients.
Anatomy of a Client Phone Call
For many veterinary team members, the client phone calls can be the most emotionally exhaustive part of their work. After hundreds of phone calls, many begin to feel a sense of dread at the sound of their phone’s ringtone, even while knowing that their phone is their lifeline to a successful practice. This is especially true when it comes to end-of-life discussions.
Language of Loss: Communication Tools for Supporting Grieving Families with Children
When it comes to kids, the words we use to talk about death matters. Language can make the difference between fear and safety, trust and mistrust, distress, and resilience. For most children, the loss of a pet is the first time they’ve thought about death or conceptualized loss, and they look to adults for answers and support.
Introducing PawsTime to VHA
PawsTime, the newest partner to Veterinary Hospitals Association, shares more information about their service in this webinar, including ways to improve your client's on-hold experience with your veterinary clinic.
Shared Ownership in the Veterinary Industry
Many different models for shared ownership exist. Our goal with this webinar is to help you find the best model for you, as an owner or associate, and your practice.In this webinar, Dr. Melissa Maddux, CEO of Erupt, walks through actual shared ownership cases to discover the answer to questions like:
Knowing When It’s Time: Helping Clients Who Aren’t Ready
A significant cause of moral stress for veterinary teams is assisting with end-of-life experiences for suffering pets when pet owners are having difficulty making the decision to euthanize.
Home Delivery: Meeting the Pet Owner's Needs
Discover home delivery tips and tricks from Vetsource! In this webinar, they cover utilizing home delivery to address the current needs of pet owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also included is a demo of the platform and next steps/set-up options.
TEEF! Protektin42 Technical Summary
Protektin42 is a patented combination of naturally safe fully-consumable ingredients optimized to stop the disease-associated metabolism of the canine oral microbiome. Click to download TEEF!'s technical summary of Protektin42 to learn more.
Pet Dental Health Resources
Searching for pet dental health resources? VHA has created client handouts and social graphics to help educate pet owners about dental disease in pets and how to prevent it.
TEEF! For Life Client Brochure
Educate clients about the benefits of TEEF! for their canine companions with this handy brochure.
Virbac Iverhart Max Handout
Learn about the NEW Iverhart Max Bacon-Flavored Soft Chew and share this informational handout with clients.
Virbac C.E.T. VeggieDent Detailer
Learn why C.E.T. VeggieDent Tartar Control Chews for Dogs are a natural fit for your clinic with this handy detailer.
Pet Preparedness Client Handout
Help your clients become prepared for an emergency with this helpful handout, compliments of Veterinary Hospitals Association.
Spring Cleaning Tips
Innovative Office Solutions and Veterinary Hospitals Association have teamed up to provide spring cleaning tips for veterinary clinics!
Beat the Heat
VHA has created a handout for veterinary clinics to distribute to clients with five summertime pet safety tips and signs of heatstroke to be aware of.
VHA Cremation Catalog
The VHA Cremation Catalog is a resource for Local VHA Members on established routes to utilize in-clinic to showcase the various urn and memorial keepsake items available for clients.
Clinician's Brief Continuing Education
Earn practical veterinary continuing education online—and at your own pace. These online veterinary CE options are affordable, RACE-approved, and designed for your busy schedule.
Purina Training Catalogue
Purina offers several continuing education opportunities for veterinary teams to learn from. Registration required to access site.
Tufts Pet Loss Hotline
The Tufts Pet Loss Support Hotline seeks to serve the community-at-large by providing a resource for people grieving the loss of a pet.
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